Tuesday, August 30, 2011

P31: Day Twenty-Five

What inspires you? What are you currently loving? From fashion, to music, to nature and anything else you can think of! As always... PICTURES!!!

beauty quote of the day:
like charity, i believe glamour should begin at home. (Loretta Young)

Monday, August 29, 2011

P31: Day Twenty-Four

How's life?
Life is beyond confusing right now. My cellphone is turned off because my mom can't afford to pay our bills; she can't even put food on the table or make the mortgage payment. So September 1st she is cutting our cable, house line, and probably our internet too. Hopefully moving out will help too. One less mouth to feed, one less person showering and using electricity, one less person driving the car all over (maintenance and gas), one less person in the way. 

I know it's not easy on her. She has a lot going on with her life too; most of which I don't even know about. I guess I hope that moving out makes our relationship stronger. It won't fix it, and I can't count on it to change anything really. Honestly I miss being in college when on weekends I could come home, spend some time with my mom and then leave again. But she was always just a phone call away. I feel farther away from her now that I'm living in her house than I did before.

Tomorrow her and I are going to sit down and talk about what I'm doing with my phone. I don't think it's wise to go to San Francisco without a cell phone. And with limited funds I don't think I can afford to get my own plan. Jordan mentioned the idea of trading my computer (which he was considering buying from me) for his old smartphone and then paying me the difference. It would be nice because I'd have my phone and internet right there in my pocket, all the time. But I don't know if I can afford a data plan and I hate the idea of not having all of my pictures and music with me. Even if I upload the files to my Sky Drive through my email, they are only available temporarily. 

On the brightside my school loan repayments are decreased for October through March so I only have to pay the interest. That helps quite a bit but I still have to figure out how to pay for September. I have enough money to pay it but that leaves nothing left to live off of. So instead of paying on the first like I usually do I will wait til I get to San Francisco and see what I have once I get there.

Speaking of seeing what I have when I get there... did I mention that I currently have no home or job when I arrive? That's right. There is no one on the other side to meet me or pick me up from the bus station. As much as I'd like to be able to travel homelessly like Kaleb I don't think that is best for a small town girl from backwoods Minnesota. The plan right now is to stay the first night in a hostel and then show up to the church and meet and greet and hopefully someone will open their home to me. 

It's not a great plan; but I have to trust that God will provide for me. Of course I haven't spent any time with Him on this since July. Sure, I've had a few days where in studying scripture it's seemed like this is His will and that this is right, but I haven't prayed. I'm giving myself a week to have a home (even if it's still temporary) and if not then I suppose I'll get a bus back to Minnesota. I don't even know if I want to go anymore. I mean I want to but I'm so afraid of letting people down again or failing. It would be so easy to just start over right here in Minnesota. 

And when I look at it now I realize that living here right now, today, isn't that much different than what I'll be living like in SF. I don't have a job. Yeah, I have a home. And I have connections (my life is swarming with people who love and care) to rely on. I have the freedom to stay at moms, or move out. I guess I didn't see how many options I had before me until now. Because that was part of my desire to leave in the first place; I saw my life on one track, without enough other options before me and I got scared. 

Would it be so bad to just stay? To get a new job, or 3 and build up my savings, my own phone, eventually get my own place, pay off my loan, get back to school, and get "back on track"? None of that is going to be easy either. I can do that in SF too, but at what cost? Leaving my family? My friends? My church and any other form of structure or security I have? To gain what? To say that I did it on my own? Maybe. 

Janell, remember this: "I used to think all of this stuff was valuable until I realized what Christ has done. Yeah, everything else is worthless when compared to Him. Because of Jesus I have discarded everything, counting it as garbage, because now I can have and be one with Him."

Sure, it's freaking scary to be doing this alone, without a plan, without money, without every thing you're told you need. But this is a step of faith! Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1) And we are made right with God by our faith. (Phil 3:9c) If I have no doubt that this is God's will then I should have no doubt that He has it under control. I hope that I'm not wrong; I hope that this brings me closer to God. I want to be radical for him. More than my life limits me because He is bigger than my life.

Alrighty. So, that's pretty much my life right now.

beauty quote of the day:
Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings. (Elisabeth Kubler-Ross)

P31: Day Twenty-Three

What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I'm beginning to dislike these questions that make me focus so much on myself. When I was younger I spent hours upon hours self-examining myself through personality tests, psychology books, or anything else that gave me insight into me. Which meant that I at one point had all these answers mapped out and ready to go. But it's harder to look at myself on my own now and see everything that the quizzes and studies said. So, I'm gonna look at one of my qualities and explore the strengths and weaknesses of being so darn positive!

strength: glass overflowing allows me to see the best in everyone; makes me a lighthearted and joyful person to be around. my gift of encouragement pours from this pot of positivity. 

weakness: I have a hard time relating to people in times of sadness and hardship; it's probably annoying to others. I tend to count on my attitude to help others without my extra (intentional) efforts.

So, what are your strengths and weaknesses? How do they affect you and your relationships? 

beauty quote of the day:
Poetry is something to make us wiser and better, by continually revealing those types of beauty and truth, which God has set in all men's souls. (James Russell Lowell)

    Monday, August 22, 2011

    P31: Day Twenty-Two

    Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.

    Originally this post was to be in the context of meeting the need in your community but because I am leaving Minnesota I figured that I would write about this instead. Every day my life is touched and touches others. Others who are hurting, sad, confused, frustrated, angry, bitter, prideful, selfish, lusting, and broken. It's my responsibility to steward my life in a way that glorifies God and allows him to use me to meet others needs.

    "Our natural way is to treat others how we think they ought to be treated (never mind the verses in James 2 where we are called to live lives against partiality and favoritism). He challenges us to give better than they deserve. That idea is simple yet something worth pausing over. Give more than they need? I always look at how to help someone but I don't think about how to do more for them than they ask. It's a bit of a radical call if you ask me. I hope I get a chance to do it, too!" [excerpt from this post I wrote for Speak Love].

    Our lives are a walking ministry to others. Help others by living consciously and thoughtfully. Ask God to show you the need of others around you (whether you've known them your whole life, or only a moment in passing on the street) then ask him to challenge you to go above and beyond what they need or ask for.

    beauty quote of the day:
    think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. (Anne Frank)

    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    P31: Day Twenty-One

    To my future husband:

    I am so unworthy of the love you have for me. And I thank God now for you. Whatever you experience or go through before we meet is perfectly purposed and I can't wait to get to know you. And to serve you with the love that Christ placed in me. 

    Love, In Christ, your future wife,

    [note: I plan on re-posting this with a deeper, more honest and full letter. I'm just overwhelmed with life right now to think about the amazing man God will give me to one day!]

    beauty quote of the day:
    it is part and parcel of every man's life to develop beauty in himself. all perfect things have in them an element of beauty. (Henry Ward Beecher)

    P31: Day Twenty

    Write about your job and why you love or hate it.

    In uniform, taken about 8mo. ago.
    I just quit my job at McDonald's where I have been for the last 14 months because of my upcoming move across the country. Before resigning I was the hostess and that means that my primary responsibilities are to greet and provide our guests with stellar service as well as maintaining a cleanly and friendly environment and experience. Simply put I get to hang out with our customers and clean all day. It was a good fit for me because I am more detail-oriented than some of my other peers (as far as cleaning above and beyond what's expected of me) and because I am polite, personable and positive with my co-workers and customers. I genuinely care for everyone I worked with or that I got to serve. Before being made the hostess I spent nearly every day in the back drive through taking orders, cashing out all drive through orders, as well as other misc. cleaning and dishes. I enjoyed that too because I can work at my own pace, as well as at a fast, engaging pace with the short time I get to spend interacting with our drive through customers. Although I was most often put into the back "bubble" I know almost all of the other positions outside of maintenance and kitchen. From fries, to McCafe, to running and presenting orders I am confident in my abilities in nearly all areas. I do regret not getting my SOC (station certifications) for them, and not getting trained in the kitchen but I don't hold it against my store. In the short time I was there we went through some major transitional changes and I am understanding. I loved my job at McDonald's because I worked with great people, and served great customers. There are things that I wish were different, that I don't like about it as well, but it was a satisfying and happy place to work. Forget the social stigma of working in fast food, because just like any job in any field, it is what you put into and pull from it. 

    What do you love or hate about your job? 

    beauty quote of the day:
    beauty comes from a life well lived. If you've lived well, your smile lines are in the right places, and your frown lines aren't too bad. (Jennifer Garner)

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    P31: Day Nineteen

    Favorite comfort food!

    Nutella. Enough said. If' you've never tried it, do.

    beauty quote of the day:
    beauty awakens the soul to act. (Alex Comfort)

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    P31: Day Eighteen

    Describe your personality!

    I am incredibly positive. "My glass is neither half-filled or half-emptied but rather overflowing" is often how I have described it positivity. Out of that stems my natural and god-given ability to encourage which is another huge part of my personality. I like to think of myself as hospitable and servant-hearted. One of my best friends Mariah has told me that I am not quick to judge others and that I am able to friend a wide variety of people; I'd agree! I've got a bit of the "savior" complex and like to think of ways to help everyone get where they want to go, help them accomplish and achieve their dreams. I think that's part of the activator in me. Since I was young, grade school even, I have wanted to be a leader though I think I am a better follower. The problem is I see something, and have this ability to envision what more could be done to improve it. It doesn't matter what it is (from a speech, to a video, to leading a small-group etc) I see how it can be done bigger and better. Hmmm, I'm sure there are plenty of other traits I could write about but I think I've had enough self-worship. Note that all of my awareness to these traits in my personality are because God opened my eyes to see myself as  His creation!

    beauty quote of the day:
    Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty- they merely move it from their faces into their hearts. (Martin Buxbaum)

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    P31: Day Seventeen

    Post about 3 things that make you happy.

    externally, material things that make me happy would be as follows:
    i like to take, and view it.
    listening to and supporting it.
    coffee shops
    finding and exploring them.

    but I am most happy when:
    i am helping others.

    It's hard to write about things that make you happy when you're not feeling particularly in that mindset. I'm really stressed about moving in a few weeks and not being ready.

    beauty quote of the day:
    Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears. (Edgar Allen Poe)

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    P31: Day Sixteen

    Write to your daughter or a young girl in your life: tell her what beauty means.

    Dearest Haley,
    My niece, you are beautiful. You are humble, sweet, genuine, caring and thoughtful of others. Beauty is something that we do, just as much as what we are. Beauty is not contained in clothes, or make up, or even in photographs. It's contained in memories that touch your heart. 
    Your aunty, Janell.

    beauty quote of the day:
    It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. (Maya Angelou)

    P31: Day Fifteen

    To Katherine:

    My dear aunt, and sister in Christ, I write to you so that you may be encouraged and strengthened by the work of God in my life! Our time together was wonderful. Thank you for inviting me into your life for a day and your family's as well. Those moments in church were soul-satisfying; a community of deep faith--you're lucky to be there! Don't be frightened to reach out to your family there. Pray that God lead you to (or someone to you) who can guide and counsel you in your new life in Christ and never give up that God will bring just the right person to you! Don't be discouraged when others resist you.

    Pray the same for your husband as well. Just don't take it out on him when he doesn't get it. God is working in His life differently and at a different pace. And from personal experience, that is frustrating and can become a wedge between your love for each other if you don't place God above your desire for your husband to be better. I am not married but coming out a relationship where I fought the Lord to change a boy I cared about deeply (maybe even loved) took its toll on me spiritually. You are reborn. Live in that, and wait with patient confidence that the same will happen in your loved one's lives as well.

    My heart breaks for your family. I come to you, just as messed up and broken, but with hope. Hope that God is our perfecter and he is our righteousness. Let him recreate you. Know when to speak up, when to act, and when to let go. Sometimes we try to manage our lives, and others too when really what we need is to take our hands away from the busy work of getting things done and doing things right. Also, slow down. You'll find peace in the moments you pause and savor; Christ is in the stillness of life just the same as the rushing, active parts! 

    "For you have a special place in my heart. God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus. I pray that your love will overflow more and more and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding." (Phil 1ish)

    In Christ, 

    Your niece and sister, Janell.

    beauty quote of the day:
    The pain passes, but the beauty remains. (Pierre August Renoir)

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    P31: Day Fourteen

    Style! This is what I wore today :)

    beauty quote of the day:
    If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on the wall, I think we'd see the beauty then and stand staring in awe. (Conor Oberst)

    Saturday, August 13, 2011

    P31: Days Twelve and Thirteen :)

    1. What wears you out as a woman?
    2. What's something you'd like to change about yourself for the better?

    Well, first there is a looong list of things that wear on me. The heaviest burdens lately that have been relational. If you've known me for a while you know that my family situation is quite complex and often times frustrating. Most recently the drama of moving mixed with meeting my cousin (my uncle and his wife/children are somewhat estranged from the family for various reasons) has been exhausting, though very rewarding. Yesterday was one of the most wonderful days of my life and I will treasure the moments that I spent with my cousins and aunt forever; I fear that it might be the first and only time I get with them for a while. It breaks my heart to see so much hurt in their lives both in their home, and in the things that are affecting them. All I can do is pray and trust that Jesus will recreate them and restore their relationships and have no fear! Katherine, if you read this know that I love you and can't wait to see how God "brings to completion the good work he began in you" because I've seen a vision for your family, and it's beautiful.

    I'm thankful for the time we spent together because I feel like she is in a place to deeply understand my call to San Francisco. Honestly, I feel like most everyone else doesn't and can't understand my motivations and true reason for going. I use the church as a convenient and tangible way for others to measure this adventure, but really the only way to measure it is through the Spirit. This is a spiritual mission of mine. I'm seeking the Lord there. By changing my location, I will be changed (this is how life works, right?) but this is about changing in my heart before and through God. I'll have to organize my thoughts on this and post it on my other blog: a foreigner in the land.

    What changes? Oh boy, that's a long list too. Most of it is unseen but a few external changes for myself are mingled in too. I'd like to be physically healthier. I wish I used my time more effectively. If only I didn't get so lazy and slack on cleaning my room. And I'd love to be better about thinking before I speak, following through with my commitments and be a better rememberer (I'm terribly forgetful). Spiritually, I desire to be more consistent, more prayerful, and to be more disciplined in seeking God intimately.

    I've tried time and time again to construct my life to change my heart, but only God can do that.

    beauty quote of the day:
    If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library? (Lily Tomlin)

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    P31: Day Eleven

    Share a recipe!

    I just made this last night! It's an Almond-Coconut Frosting that I decorated on vanilla cupcakes for mom's early birthday treat! Last night, because I was lazy and am out of powdered sugar I used store-bought vanilla frosting as my base, but love this simple buttercream frosting from here. I also added pure almond extract and coconut flakes until I reached the desired texture and flavor I wanted! Oh! And for color I used the red-sugar sprinkles and mixed those in too! Gives the frosting an extra little crunch and sweetness. Yum!

    1 cup butter, softened
    3-4 cups powdered sugar
    1-2 Tablespoons milk or half and half
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    In large mixing bowl, beat butter until fluffy. Add three cups sugar, 1 Tablespoon milk, and vanilla. Beat until combined and fluffy. Adjust with more sugar or milk, depending on what consistency you’re looking for.

    Tonight, I warmed the left over frosting and added extra coconut to the mixture. Then spread it over a mini cake (well, it's cake baked in a mini-bread pan) to share with the family for mom's real birthday! Here are some pictures!

    beauty quote of the day:
    everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. (Confucius)

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    P31: Day Ten

    What is Jesus teaching you as woman of God?

    You know, this is another post-worthy question that I wish I would have given more time and energy to thinking about because honestly, I don't know. Here I am preparing to move across the country, in confident hope to grow closer to God through faith and to help him build his church but yet have spent so little time with him. Instead of spending time with my Savior and God I have frittered away my time on this silly computer. Every day I wake, work and then come home to sit in my bed staring at this screen until I go to sleep and the day begins again. I'm frustrated because with how many hours I waste a day online I could be doing things for the Kingdom. Or my mom. I've barely put effort into my recent posts and even less in my other blog where I had hoped to have running by now. Sigh.

    If I am learning anything it would be this: that my time is precious, and Jesus is more worthy to receive that time than anything else. I thought James was the only idol in my life and that leaving would rid me of any others I didn't recognize. Last night while talking with a dear friend and sister-in-Christ the notion came to me that maybe this computer is one more thing that should be left behind. Tis a costly distraction, and a pricey loss if something were to happen.

    How does any of this have to do with being a woman of God? If I don't spend any time with God who am I to call myself his follower, or his friend? And what does my life say about Him through my actions? If I'm hoping for God to recreate me and to set me apart as his daughter... making me great by his grace... how am I living my life through this hope? Shouldn't my life reflect this?

    beauty quote of the day:
    beauty is variable, ugliness is constant. (Douglas Horton)

    Tuesday, August 9, 2011

    P31: Day Nine

    What virtues do you value in yourself?

    As much as I would love to have a lengthy post for this one (for I think it's deserving, virtue is quite the topic) I don't know the answer to this. I hardly know the meaning of virtue. If it really simply means moral excellence then I have none. What are the virtues?

    But, I'll come back to this one later this summer. What about you, what virtues do you value in yourself?

    beauty quote of the day:
    the problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer. (John Collins)

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    P31: Day Eight

    What's your beauty secret?

    I know it sounds cliche, but sincerely it's confidence that is secret to beauty. No make up tips, hair-do tutorial, or inspirational style photos can compete with it! Be confident in yourself. Your body. Your mind. Your heart. Confidence is a radiance that adorns all body types perfectly. It covers our ugly sides (as long as we are willing to admit to them). It's a style that never goes out. And will never fail to radiate into other's lives as well. We can't help but shine when we have confidence!

    beauty quote of the day:
    beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. it is not something physical. (Sophia Loren)

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    P31: Day Seven

    To Bernice:

    You, my dear, are beautiful. I know you hear this many times, from many people and even often times from me. But no matter how many times you may hear it, never stop believing in it's truth. Ber, you are a dear girl friend of mine and I miss you terribly. It's because of friendships like ours that I understand how Paul longed for his churches, and how much greater God longs for us! As you go into another year at Northwestern I will be praying for you. My hope is that Christ will draw you nearer to him as you walk together; I pray that God reveal himself to you in powerful ways and that your own sinfulness would be covered by his goodness! By his power, live in such a way that no one will stumble because of you, and no one will doubt your servant heart and leadership. In everything you do show that you are true believer in the gospel! Be patient and endure through troubles and hard times of all kinds. Though you may be beat down, imprisoned by overwhelming sin, hated on, worked to exhaustion, studied late hours, slept few, and been hungry know this: that God is good and he delights in you! Find joy in him through difficult seasons. Prove your faithfulness with your purity, understanding, patience, kindness and sincerity because the Spirit of God is within you! Lead with the gospel, lead with truth. Fight along side your brothers and sisters with weapons of righteousness. Reach out to all who your life touches whether they love you, or hate you because that's how much God loves you. Be humble, give glory to God. (2 cor 6:3-10. plus some other stuff!) Bernice, I love you and can't imagine how much greater our father loves you. 

    beauty quote of the day:
    everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. (John Muir)

    Saturday, August 6, 2011

    P31: Day Six

    Has the worlds definition of beauty ever jaded you?

    I suppose that it has. Often times I see myself through wordly eyes. Vanity. The two areas that are infected the most, and most often, for me are the way that I dress and they way that I see others. The world tempts me to cherish my own beauty, my body and my sex appeal. Since I was very young I have been aware of my body and it's ability to affect others. As a girl maturing in my faith and understanding of my God I am cherishing modesty and femininity more than the sexy, cleavage-bearing self I was in high school and especially middle school. 
    They way that I see and think about others is also sometimes jaded by the worlds standard of beauty. It's with so much ease that I can think that I am prettier, or not pretty enough, compared with other girls. Their bodies, their style and personality all fall under attack. And that is truly ugly. Honestly, I'd love to see the beauty in all people. No interest in what is different, good or bad about them. Because we are all under one God, and that one God is the only who has any goodness or authority to judge! Who am I to play God?

    beauty quote of the day:
    beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. (Kahlil Gibran)

    Friday, August 5, 2011

    P31: Day Five

    Post about someone who has made your heart come alive!

    my grandparents| jean and richard
    In 2005 I was moved out of my mum's house and sent to live with my grandparents. It saved my life. God was good to send me to them because it was there that my heart really came alive. Because of their love, their support, their structure, their prayer, their support that my life turned around. God used them to surround me in an environment and community of warmth. But most importantly through my grandparents brought me closer to Himself--the true source of life! Of course, my mum had to do with that too! She was willing to throw her hands up, finally admit that she can't do everything on her own, and let me go. I'm sure that I was killing her inside to with how sick I was inside myself. I can't imagine my life with out my grandparents and my mom! I love them so deeply!

    beauty quote of the day:
    there is nothing that makes its ways more directly into the soul than beauty. (joseph addison)

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    P31: Day Four

    Post a picture of you in your favorite outfit!
    This is one of my favorite dresses and I wear it all the time. A Target dress, I got on sale at Goodwill for only $1.99 and have never regretted it! I wear it all year (spring, summer, fall and winter) and to pretty much anything! Sadly, it's life is poorly captured in photos that do not do justice to the love and beauty I have for and feel in this dress! It's been tucked into jeans to wear as a top. It's been folded down to be worn as a skirt. And it's been swam in as a swimsuit. Just Sunday I finally cut off the top of the skirt to have them as separate pieces. Many, many, many washings later it finally shrunk, although it's still vibrant and unfaded! Here is the poorly chronicled history of my favorite dress!

    in Joplin, Mo. Baxter pushed me off the bed.
    me, a fan (meghan) and kirstin, i was in her band.
    this was taken at our first show together
    me, strong arm'n it with crystal
    jimmy getting his head shaved, a fundraiser
    his band mate and friend almost died from meningitis
    this was during a music tourney they played 
    pool. i'm terrible. but grew up playing it in bars.
    beauty quote of the day:
    the beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. (Audrey Hepburn)

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    P31: Day Three

    Who is someone you know that inspires beauty?

    Elise Joy| I like my story. Ask me about it sometime. Or read Hosea. If that sounds like too much effort, however, it all boils down to the all-too cheesy sounding but all too wonderful reality that every day is better than all the days before it because I am falling more in love with Jesus, who loves me infinitely and constantly. :) Basically, it's true! If you don't believe it, stick around. He's sweet.

    These photographs are copyright of Mariah Joy Wilder (photographer).

    I've known Elise for only a year and a half or so but she is so dear, and so lovely! She is spunky, funky and definitely fresh! This gal has a spirit like a lazer beam: bright, hot, and affecting. She'll tear right through you with her laugh! Elise inspires beauty because of how (and how much) she loves the world around her. Christ lives in and through her and she shares his light and life with those around her. She lives an ordinary life doing extraordinary things. Golly, I wish I could spend more time with her! 

    beauty quote of the day:
    there is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. (Francis Bacon)

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    P31: Day Two

    What makes you uniquely you?

    The real challenge is this: how do I answer this question without indulging into vanity and pride? Understanding that first and foremost I am made in the image of God, and therefore more greatly faceted than words or self-inspection will ever reveal. We are created with depths that our human minds and hearts can only begin to explore because we are not made for ourselves, but for God and his joy, and his glory. The bits of self that we do see, and that others see and show to us are all given from God; he opens our eyes not only to his beauty and his character but to our own as well. In his image, remember? What makes me unique/different from others isn't a list of my qualities and traits, but here are some unique things about me anyways!
    1. My network of friends is varied and widely diverse because I can relate with most people. 
    2. I love to clean. I clean and organize my room almost daily but only make my bed before getting into it.
    3. Often times my good intentions are smooshed by my ability to jump to conclusions.
    4. I'm told that I am too friendly {and that one day it could get me into trouble}.
    5. I have vision for who people can become. Sometimes I forget to see who they are right now, before me.

    beauty quote of the day:
    the beauty of the past belongs to the past. (Margaret Bourke-White)

    Monday, August 1, 2011

    P31: Day One

    What Does Beauty Mean to You?

    I've tried to answer this very question for quite a while. I still struggle to define beauty for it isn't easily defined. It iis as intimate and personal as the one seeking to define it. Much like love, lifetimes are spent pursuing something that for the most part we can't even describe or contain. In the quest for external beauty--whether in self or in the world around us--we look at the physical: a sensory experience that's pleasing, delightful and satisfying. Things like a beautiful girl, a stunning sunset, art, music, etc. Sometimes beauty is found in the unseen world: eternal beauty. Perhaps the answer is this: beauty to me means seeing and experiencing life through glimpses of perfection coming when Christ returns and restores the kingdom to full and true glory. Bottom line. All things bright and beautiful come from the work of Christ in us and in this world. 

    That is what beauty means to me.

    beauty quote of the day:
    the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. (helen keller)