Saturday, February 25, 2012

RIP LS Little Jank

If you didn't read this post then you might not have known that I got into a minor car accident on Monday. While driving downtown to take care of some matters with Justin, we were hit. We were in the left-most lane on a one way street when a gal from out of town tried to make a left turn from the middle lane onto Nicollet (which doesn't allow thru-traffic anyways). The whole thing unfolded in slow motion. We sat stunned for about half a moment until pulling over to the side of the road on the next block where we exhanged information and the like. The gal claimed the fault immediately and it sounds like everything is going smooth with the insurance side of things. You wouldn't believe from looking at the damage to my car that they decided to simply total it; but with it being more than 20 years old it's not worth fixing.  This little car has been a friend for "the 6" and has been a blessing and a place of ministry. It's dearly beloved, and will be missed.

on a personal note:
I feel my life moving from dysfunction into function, and this chaos is almost calming because I know that there is peace coming. #obscurethoughts

1 comment:

leave me some sweet words, darlings!