Saturday, February 27, 2010

Good Week

This week has been a good week. God is teaching me, and I feel myself changing. But I am afraid that this is only a temporary high...the crash is coming. And then I will be back where I was. At the same time I am hopeful that this isn't just a rush, that there is some substance behind it. I want this to be real. To be continual.

I know my friends are a big part of it. Mariah is truly becoming my best friend. And I can't wait to go deeper with her. And now Tina too! God thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Janell you are AWESOME!!! And think of having low times as a time the Lord in a sense steps back and allures you to connect with Him in a deeper way. The Lord desires us to go deeper and sometimes it means allowing Him to step back so we have that spiritual craving of Christ's love. Seeing life and our journey's in that light makes temporary highs and crashes the same thing in a sense. Each is bringing us closer to Christ. YOU ARE STRONG! Keep seeking His face. I am glad your a friend to me!


leave me some sweet words, darlings!