Thursday, August 5, 2010


My mom woke me up this morning like usual so I could bring her to work. I got home, grabbed at glass of juice, my ESV and then sat on the steps outside my door. The sunlight was warm as it streamed across the pages of my bible and I started to read. About a week ago James and I started going through Genesis starting with Abraham and we were going to keep reading until we came to Jesus! The past few nights I have really been slacking and with how things have become between us, I wasn't sure that I would continue on with out him. But this morning I picked up where I left off in Genesis 29 where Jacob leaves to find a wife. A few minutes into reading I heard my text tone and when I opened the message it was a tweet from James. It said:

"Yes James you have just ruined one of your best friendships how does it feel?"

My heart sank. Completely fell from my chest to my feet. Of course, my first assumption was that this was about us. Which maybe it is. But who knows, maybe he is also having trouble with other friends??? Anyways, the sinking feeling was incredibly temporary! I was overwhelmed with this thought:

This friendship isn't ruined!!! This, this is Restoration!!! God is in control, and the time that James and I have to take apart from one another is a gift!

So I prayed. Out loud. With words! Haha, that sounds so dumb....but it's important!!! With the lack of prayer I have experienced so much this summer, this is HUGE! 

After praying I continued reading. This verse SCREAMED to me from the pages of my ESV:

"So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed but a few days to him because of the love he had for her." (Gen 29:20)

Wow! How powerful is that!!! Jacobs love for Rachel was enough to not only carry him through the seven years he served in order to pay her bride-price, but it made the time pass quickly!!! Think about it, he had to serve and work hard for seven years and the bible says that it seemed only like days! This truth is so amazing! It's a reflection of the love that sustains me as I serve and work for Jesus. The "seven years" I wait to be with my Love and my Groom will pass like days! I have to serve on my hands and knees and prepare for our Wedding! 

Same thing with the time James and I are being called apart. We took our friendship too far too soon. Now we have to serve our time. And what is between us...our is not romantic (uhm, I clarify: our relationship is founded on Christ, and other normal things, not romanticism or feelings of that kind of love). The love we do share, is awesome. He is my brother and my friend and even if our seven years lasts til death, then we will be united again when we meet Jesus!

How awesome is that going to be anyways? To think of worshiping and praising God together! I can't wait to see all my friends, and to rejoice at seeing them in heaven, at the throne of God. To see them perfected in His glorious presence!!! And to worship along side them more fully, than any worship or conversation we have now! Gah! It's most excellent!!!

God, You are so good, all the time, You are good! I hope that I am not the only one who feels this way. Help me, make me do right by all of my friendships!!! Let this season be glorifying to You...even if it hurts! I hope that my friends will be receptive of this....and that they respond with joyfulness! And God, please, please please please let this be temporary! Make these Seven Years seem like days, sustain me by Your love! Oh, and above all, Your will be done. AMEN!

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