A - If I’m in love. I'm in delusion; wish it was love.
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was. Hannah.
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed. Since Sunday morning.
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls. Men.
E - How many holes I have in my ears. Two.
F - Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’ I like my coffee hot, and my ice cream cold.
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to. Maybe my roommates?
H - The last person I hugged. Also, I don't remember.
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why. Liz, because she's dating a non-christian and is fine.
J - How old I am. 20.
K- What my full name is. Janell Jean Bergman
L - If I have siblings. many.
M - If I forgive betrayal. too quickly, perhaps.
N - If you want to know how I treat my friends. I treat them lovingly, selfishly, and with respect.
O - If I like my school. I dropped out. But wanna go back; mixed feelings about my college.
P - What kind of music I like. oldies, acoustic rock, rockabilly, jazz.
Q - What the last party I went to was, and when the next will be. never..
R - For me to tell a secret. I'm not sure why I even want him anymore.
S - 2 habits. I pick my nose, and bite my lip.
T- 5 things I love unconditionally. the human condition is incapable of loving unconditionally.
U - How many texts I send daily. I don't know. Not many, too many.
V - 3 big dreams. Travel, Start a Family, Be a Leader.
W - An idol. my romantic side.
X - If I’ve done something I regret very much. not trusting God more quickly.
Y - If I like my town and why. it's alright, wish I was closer to downtown.
Z - One random fact about you. I'm not alright, tonight. Somberly, sobering up to the idea of submission. Desperately clinging to the dream that I can have both my God and my man.
100 thanks and givings
64. a fire place to warm up next to while enjoying a cup of coffee
65. new clothes (and having pants again!)
66. a dad and mom who both love me even if they don't love each other.
67. years of "watching" my brother
68. Ben's help yesterday in getting ready for Sunerchomai
69. free internet, still.
70. my sister's protection, if only they could protect my heart for me too.
71. big dinners on Sunday and leftovers on Monday.
72. "adopt a senior" perks for free meals on campus
73. a day in class: Human Sexuality
74. roommates who can be angry, the right way.
75. actions that speak louder than words.
76. divinely timed messages from old friends!
65. new clothes (and having pants again!)
66. a dad and mom who both love me even if they don't love each other.
67. years of "watching" my brother
68. Ben's help yesterday in getting ready for Sunerchomai
69. free internet, still.
70. my sister's protection, if only they could protect my heart for me too.
71. big dinners on Sunday and leftovers on Monday.
72. "adopt a senior" perks for free meals on campus
73. a day in class: Human Sexuality
74. roommates who can be angry, the right way.
75. actions that speak louder than words.
76. divinely timed messages from old friends!