Friday, June 25, 2010

{wake up call}

God woke me up this morning. No. Actually, my roommate's alarm did which is odd because I usually sleep right on through it. Then something even more awesome happened: God spoke. He said to get up and read my devotions. It had to be the voice of God because that direction counters anything that I would say, even subconsciously. I stayed in my bed and asked, "Seriously, God?" I offered up another option to Him and tried to justify it by saying I could do it in half an hour when I had to get up. He was silent. He had already spoken. There were no other options. How foolish of me to try and change God's mind!

So two choices were before me as I laid in my comfortable bed. I could choose to roll over, pull the blankets tighter, going back to sleep and ignoring God. Or I could be obedient. The past few weeks there have been a few themes and terms that I can't seem to escape. Speakers in chapel, songs on the radio, and even echoed in my readings for class have spoken about testimonies where God spoke, and people reacted. They were moved to action by God. They responded to His call.

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